Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mortar and Pedestal


can be like a mortar and pestal,
grinding at the smallest grains
making them ever smaller.
Little lumps pop up
out of the congregation
only to be hammered
harder with the pestal;
ground ever smaller
against the walls
of the mortar bowl,
into powdery dust;
one from the other;
just a gray mass
of lifeless powder.
               -Joy S. Barefoot

The Breakfast Recipe


I had the best breakfast this morning.
It was ever so cheesy and good
It was peppers of red, yellow, green
with carrots all grated up fine
with tiniest onions, tomatoes
stirred round with eggs in a pan,
and oil from the fruit of the olive
with salt from the sea’s ocean brine.
It was the best breakfast ever,
sending me off for the day.
My tummy had quite satisfaction
at the breakfast on which it did dine.

-Joy S. Barefoot, 2009

Twisted Effort at Communications 2010

The world is becoming a lonely place,
with everyone so connected.
Folks don't answer their telephones
unless you are clever at texting.
Caller ID is a handy invention
for giving folks the dodge;
Few have time for Grandma and Mom.
It's Facebook and You Tube and ipods!
Each is learning to avoid the other,
caught up in his very own spaces;
married to devices of man's inventions
and robotic, digital embraces.
I'm getting older every day;
the world is fast passing by.
If you miss the service and the visitation;
don't blame the family, they tried!
-Joy S. Barefoot