We are like pieces of an unfinished puzzle, a puzzle of life, infused with the love of God, permeating every small piece. There is not really much meaning to a single piece of a puzzle and yet, our one piece of the puzzle is a vital link to the end result. It can bring together many pieces all around it, suddenly drawing the puzzle into clearer focus.
How often have I worked a puzzle, searching diligently for a single piece, and then, when it is found, I can move quickly along, adding more and more to the picture?
Even a meaningless-seeming piece to me has real significance, giving the puzzle completeness and balance.
We do not choose our place in the puzzle of life. God has chosen our position and with his wondrous grace, he allocated a place in the final picture for each of us. we must be willing to take our appointed space, no matter what its seeming importance may be to us.
When a piece of a puzzle is missing, it suddenly becomes, to me, the most important piece because there is an unfinished work before me. It is up to us to claim our rightful inclusion in this great mystery of life which God is working out all around us. Only then will the puzzle be complete.
No matter how insignificant, each piece is invaluable to the completion of the puzzle of life.